The Deadman Night Rider

A forum for evening students of the SMU Dedman School of Law and other outlaws..

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Drama club

The guys at BarelyLegalBlog talk alot about how law school is like high school, by which they usually mean cliques, recurring stereotypes, etc. In the evening program we don't get as much of that as the day-trippers do--probably because we're just not here as much. Everybody converges on the library an hour or so before class to cram in some prep or stuff down some food, then it's lectures and meetings, and a footrace to the parking garage to zoom home, cellphone pasted to ear. I think the fact that almost everyone is married also raises the general level of discourse--there are no flirtations, budding romances, or torrid breakups to inject drama into the process (it's also still too early for vengeful rivalries to have broken out).

That said, I have managed to have a real Drama Club week this week at the Deadman. On Saturday, I played the part of a client in the Client Counseling Competiong sponsored by the Board of Advocates (law school's analogue for the debate team). I put in a Golden Globes-worthy performance as Sam Robinson, hepatitis C-positive production line manager looking to make a discrimination case against his employer. Too bad about the IV drug use that gave me the Hep C, but, oh well. Then last night, I finally got to put my fake case to bed by settling a claim for my fake client with another student representing her fake client. We've been researching this case, which came complete with ten pages of fake facts including family background, financial info, business descriptions, and more, since last semester, when we wrote an extensive memo on it. I am bound upon pain of honor code violation not to disclose the terms until tomorrow night, so I'll have to leave that as a cliffhanger for now.

In a couple of weeks I might even get to dust off the old speech and debate skills. The Board of Advocates (as above) are sponsoring a Closing Arguments competition based on that same damn memo for the fake case we settled last night. Of course, we're all going to get frog-marched into the moot court competition later in the semester, so it's really just a matter of time anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you get to settle you case in the client counseling competition?? i didn't know that.

maybe i'll sign up for it next year! thanks for the advice!!

6:48 PM  

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