The Deadman Night Rider

A forum for evening students of the SMU Dedman School of Law and other outlaws..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To the victors went the sub-prime mortgages...

Russia may soon join China, India, and various Middle Eastern countries in sowing sovereign fund investment money into the U.S. I couldn't help but laugh at one of the comments posted underneath the story:

Great - now the US will be owned by both China and Russia - I wonder who won the Cold War - hmmmmm?

Willis, Tampa, USA FL

Yep, Willis from Tampa, FL, it's a bitch waking up from that American dream, ain't it? When you read the lastest employment figures and wonder where the jobs are going, remember this (from the same article):

Russia has become KPMG's fastest growing market, outstripping China for audit and consultancy services. Last year, the accountancy group's business there increased by 65 per cent.

The times, they are a-changin'!